Do I Need Extra Liability Insurance for My Condo?

The state doesn’t require you to have condo insurance for your El Centro, CA unit, but your condo homeowners’ association may require it. The same goes for specific policy provisions. Liability is a significant part of condo insurance policies that you may need before moving into your home. However, when do you need excess liability coverage? Armorcrest Insurance Services can help determine if buying extra liability coverage is a smart move for you.

Doesn’t the Condo Building’s Master Policy Cover Liability?

Yes, it does, but only to a certain extent. The master policy covers injuries and mishaps in the complex’s common areas, such as hallways, parking garages, clubhouses, etc. That’s true even if the individual injured is your guest. Yet, you are still responsible for any injuries that may happen to your guests that occur within your unit. Most condo liability coverage provides $100,000 to $500,000 in liability coverage.  Coverage typically includes:

  • Damage caused by pets
  • Damage you may cause to others’ property
  • Medical payments to those injured
  • Legal representation if you are sued

Some policies also provide protection if your association issues a special assessment if someone is injured in a common area.

Are My Policy Limits High Enough?

Condo owners who live in luxury buildings, are public figures, or have frequent parties inside their residences may want to consider higher liability limits. It’s important to consider the potential risks that these situations can pose. You may want to include a special provision covering injuries caused by your dog, even if you think your puppy is perfect. If you believe your limit needs to be higher, consider adding an umbrella liability policy.

Armorcrest Insurance Services, which serves El Centro, CA residents, can help condo owners determine when they need additional liability insurance. Contact our office today to discuss your needs.